Oral Presentation Guidelines

All oral presentations are expected to be conducted in a face-to-face format within the allocated technical session. Each oral presentation within the Technical sessions will be allotted 10 minutes for presentation, followed by a dedicated 5-minute period for questions and answers. To ensure strict adherence to the program schedule, organizers will rigorously enforce the allotted time for each presentation.

We strongly recommend that oral presenters prepare a PDF version of their slide deck. To facilitate the efficient time management of sessions, all presentations will be administered using a specifically designated computer. A PDF version of the presentation must be made available as a backup in the event of any technical challenges. Additionally, presenters have the option to submit a PowerPoint (.pptx) file or a shareable link, with a preference given to the latter for displaying the presentation.

Following the presentation, presenters are required to be present for a 5-minute question and answer session, where they will have the opportunity to address inquiries from the audience.

Technical Requirements

Oral Presentation Duration: maximum 10 minutes

Submissions by: December 1, 2023

For submission

Local file:

File format: PPTX/PDF

File Name: PaperNumber_Session Name_Presenter Surname_Abstract Title (first five words only) 

Sample: O1001_TS1A_Smith_First_Five_Words_of_Title.pptx

Online file:

File format: online shareable link (preferably shortened)

or scan this

Recommended PowerPoint Presentation Template: click here to download

Paper numbers and order of presentation: click here to view

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be accepted nor eligible for the best presenter award.

Best Presenter Award

The following are the criteria for judging for awarding the best presenter award

15%   Presentation Material (visuals, coherence)

15%   Delivery & Engagement (voice clarity, thought articulation)

15%   Research Complexity & Importance (Research Significance, SDG Theme) 

15%   Methods & Research Design (Presentation of Research Design) 

20%   Results & Conclusion (Presentation of Results) 

20%   Q&A (Mastery and clarity) 

Technical Support: If you have any questions or difficulties in submitting your presentation, you may contact our organizing committee at philgeos.upd@up.edu.ph.