Poster Presentation Guidelines

All poster presenters are required to be present during the assigned poster presentation session. Presenters are also required to bring a printed copy of their posters with the following dimensions: 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height) (A0 size). Submissions of printed posters should be done during the registration period on the first day of the conference. 

Presenters are also required to submit their digital posters by December 1, 2023. Likewise, we kindly ask you to prepare a 2 to 4-minute poster pitch which you may discuss with visiting audience members during the poster sessions.

With your consent, posters will be uploaded to the event website to be viewable during the scheduled Poster sessions. You may provide your contact information on how interested participants can connect with you. 

Digital Poster

File format: JPG or PNG

Orientation: Portrait, single page

Resolution: minimum 300 dpi

Dimensions: 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height) (A0 size)

Recommended font size: 16cm

Max. file size: 50 MB

File Name: PresentationNumber_SessionName_FirstAuthor’sLastName.JPG

Sample: P78_P2_DelaCruz.JPG

or scan this

Recommended Poster Template: click here to download

Paper numbers: click here to view

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be accepted nor eligible for the best presenter award.

Best Poster Award

The following are the criteria for judging for awarding the best presenter award

25%   Content

30%   Research Complexity & Importance

30%   Methods & Research Design

15%   Appearance and Quality

Technical Support: If you have any questions or difficulties in submitting your digital posters, you may contact our organizing committee at